Equity release
Take the first steps to unlock the value of your property and turn it into a lump sum.
Choosing what’s right for you
If you’re 55 or over and in need of some extra income, then equity release may be the right option for you. Perhaps you require additional income to support your retirement, or maybe you will be putting the money back into your home in the form of renovations. Whatever reason, knowing you have access to this money can be a huge weight off your shoulders.
Working with a specialist adviser
Equity release has advantages and disadvantages, and it’s our job to make sure that you’re well informed before you take the next step.
If we decide that it’s the right decision for your needs, we’ll agree on the best route to go down: lifetime mortgage or home reversion. We’re independent, so we can search the entire market to find the best solution for you.
This is a lifetime mortgage. To understand the features and risks, ask for a personalised illustration.